Obtener mi IP y la IP del Router con ipconfig

Mar 29, 2020 How do I run ipconfig on win 10? - Microsoft Community Dec 11, 2017 10 Useful Windows Commands You Should Know

May 10, 2020

The “ipconfig” command is one used in the Windows Legacy Command Prompt or the Windows Powershell that displays your current IP configuration for the network or networks you are connected to at that point. For each wired/wireless adapter present a Network Troubleshooting using PING, TRACERT, IPCONFIG For example, if you’re trying to troubleshoot the DNS server, you can beforehand type in the “ipconfig” command and find where the DNS server is. Network troubleshooting with ping. The “ping” command ping command allows you to send a signal to another device, and if that device is active, it will send a response back to the sender. Obtener mi IP y la IP del Router con ipconfig

Using the ipconfig command displays information about a computer’s TCP/IP configuration. It can also be used to update DHCP and Domain Name Server (DNS) settings. Displaying basic IP configuration To display the basic IP configuration for a computer, use the ipconfig command without any parameters, like this: C:>ipconfig Windows IP Configuration Ethernet adapter Local Area […]

How to Find the IP Address of Your Windows 10 PC Oct 25, 2019 Ipconfig Mac OS X | egeek May 08, 2013 ipconfig command - lynda.com